
ICENTE24 : Publications
28 - 30 November


The papers submitted will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, and the papers approved by the scientific committee will be presented at the conference. All of the papers accepted and presented at the conference will be published in the abstracts book. Full-text papers will be published by one of the following options.

A- Journals

We would like to remind you that selected papers submitted to ICENTE22 can be published in one of the International Journals listed below after completing a formal reviewer process by the journals. The selected papers presented at the conference that match the topics of the journals will be recommended to be evaluated for publication in the following journals:

If your paper is selected, please note that the journals may start a review process again. There is no guarantee that all selected papers will be published in the mentioned journals.

B- Conference Proceedings

Full-text papers can be published in the conference proceedings book if the author prefers.