International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE 24) will be held on November 21-23 2024 in cooperation with Selcuk University Faculty of Technology and Sinop University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, fully online.
ICENTE 24 conference is designed to bring together leading international and interdisciplinary research communities, developers and users of advanced technologies and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in all areas of technologies.
The conference will provide a platform to present the results of research and developments and highlight relevant activities from around the world.
This conference is organised by Selcuk University Faculty of Technology and cooperation with Sinop University Faculty of Engineering and Architecture.
BioImaging and BioSignals - Biomechatronics and Applications - Biosensors, BioMEMs & Lab-on-Chip - Micro / Nano Biomedical Devices & Systems - Nanobiotechnology - Health Informatics - Surgical Robotics and Navigation - Rehabilitation Robotics - Mechanobiology - Biomaterials - 3D Bioprinting - Computer-Integrated & Computer-Assisted Surgery - Ergonomics & Human Factors - Medical Robotics - Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology - Wearable Devices - BioMechanics and Mechanobiology - Engineering/Synthetic Biology - Bioelectronic Devices
Artificial intelligence - Data processing and security - Disturbed systems - Network security - Parallel programming - Risk Management - Security of knowledge - Software programming
Automation and control - Communication techniques and systems - Circuit applications and simulations - Electrical machines - Electric transmission and distribution - Energy production - Medical electronics - Optic electronics - Power electronics - Signal processing
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing - Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems - Computational Materials - Control methods - Cutting Tool Technologies - Design and Production Methods - Design and Production of Mechanical Systems - Engineering Design Methodology and Design Models - Flexible and Distributed Manufacturing Systems - Forces - Grinding and other abrasive methods - High performance machining - Intelligent Systems in Mechanical Design and Manufacturing - Machine Design and Mechanical System Design, Analysis and Damage Formation - Machining Technologies and Modelling - Machining planning - Mechanical Design and Applications - Non-traditional manufacturing process - Nuclear Energy - Production System Modeling and Simulation - Process Sourced Residual Stress - Process Stability Analysis - Structural Materials - Tool condition monitoring - Vibrations - Renewable energy resources - Environmental pollution and control - HVAC and automation - Hydraulic and pneumatic systems - Instrumentation systems at heating technique - Computational Methods in Energy - Fluid Power - Heat and Mass Transfer - Hydrogen Energy Technologies - Fuel Cells Technologies
Autonomous Systems - Biomechatronics and Applications - Calibration and Measurement - Intelligent Materials and Active Control - Mechatronic Education - Micro-electronic and Micro-mechanical Systems - Novel Mechatronic Systems - Robot Intelligence - Space and Underwater Applications - Wireless Sensors and Distributed Control
Advanced Materials - Batteries and Energy Materials - Composite Materials - Ceramics & Glasses - Carbon Based Materials - Corrosion - Electronic Materials - Electro- and Physical Chemistry - Hybrid Optical Materials (Organic/Inorganic) - Materials Physics - Materials Processing and Handling - Metallurgical Physical Chemistry - Metallurgical Fundamentals and Techniques - Metallurgy of Iron-Steel and Nonferrous Materials - Materials Chemistry and Sustainable Chemistry - Magnetic Materials - Materials Characterization - Mining, Metallurgy and Material Science - Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology - Optical Materials - Powder Metallurgy - Polymer Science - Surface Phenomena and Interfaces - Welding and Joining
Architecture - City-Regional Planning - Industrial Design - Steel and Timber Structures Workgroup - Reinforced Concrete - Theory of Structures - Geodesy and Photogrammetry (Geomatics) - Geotechnics - Hydraulics - Construction Management and Engineering - Building Materials - Structural Mechanics - Transportation - Energy in Buildings
invited speaker
Sultan Alparslan Cultural Center
Selcuk University,
Konya, Turkey
Applications for ICENTE 24 Conference are received by Microsoft Conference Management Toolkit. In order to apply to our conference, you must first use our conference template. Please upload your work prepared according to the conference template to the system via the conference application system. Your applications will be evaluated by referees who are experts in their fields.
All the users allowed to submit a maximum of two abstract/paper/posters per membership. One registration fee includes only one abstract/paper/poster presentation. Additional Paper: 50% discount will be applied for the second article. Registration is mandatory to attend the conference. At least one of the authors of the abstract/paper/poster should register and attend the conference.
Registration Fees:
- Virtual Presentation (Early): 1000 TL
- Virtual Presentation (Late): 1200 TL
- Foreign Attendees (Early): 50 Euro
- Foreign Attendees (Late): 60 Euro
Bank Name | : | Vakıfbank Selçuk Üniversitesi Şubesi |
Account Name | : | S.Ü Strateji Gelişt Bşk.lığı San-Tez Proje Yöneticili |
Tax Number | : | 759 046 5298 |
IBAN No | : | TR20 0001 5001 5800 7334 2686 19 |
Bank Name | : | Vakıfbank Selçuk Üniversitesi Şubesi |
Account Name | : | Selçuk Üniversitesi Strateji Geliştirme Daire Başkanlığı |
Tax Number | : | 759 005 5910 |
IBAN No | : | TR46 0001 5001 5804 8016 6025 24 |
Please do not forget to write "Deposited for ICENTE 2024" in the description section when depositing your money. If you are depositing money from someone else's bank account, please write "Name Surname - Deposited for ICENTE 2024" in the description section.
The papers submitted will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, and the papers approved by the scientific committee will be presented at the conference. All of the papers accepted and presented at the conference will be published in the abstracts book. Full-text papers will be published by one of the following options.
Full-text articles can be published as book chapters if the author prefers and the scientific committee approves the publication. International Book Chapters are suitable for UAK, YÖK criteria and Academic Incentive (Akademik Teşvik). The book will be published as an e-book (ISBN) with one or more editors by an international publisher. Please note that peer-review process will be subjected to the all selected papers for publication. It does not mean the all papers selected will be accepted for publication in the journals mentioned previously. We hope this conference will be of your interest.
Esrefoglu Mosque
Science Center
Ince Minare Madrassa
Eflatun Pinar Sanctuary
Alaaddin Mosque
Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey